Saturday, May 21, 2011

H Pylori Diagram And Symtoms

Social Days of Awe - plan events

Przeczytaj Manifest Dni Gniewu Społecznego
Można dołączyć do wydarzenia na Facebooku i zaprosić znajomych za jego pomocą. Niech każdy zabierze ze sobą co najmniej jedną dodatkową osobę, będzie nas dwa razy więcej!

W czwartek 26 maja zaczynamy lokalny protest, który ma być wstępem do Dni Gniewu. Władze miasta Warszawy planują kolejne podwyżki czynszów oraz podwyżkę cen transportu publicznego o 100%. Rada Warszawy ma "dyskutować" o tych podwyżkach w czwartek. Będziemy tam z loud protest! Time 11:00, Palace of Culture, Hall of Warsaw, IV Floor.

On Friday, May 27 held picket / happening under the title "The barracks for Obama" - the U.S. president will include presented to offer a resource council in Warsaw, Warsaw, because they can not afford another type of accommodation for tenants without legal title, such as Obama. During the day, delegates to the summit of Visegrad Group will stick to other surprises. Picket starts at. 17:00 at the Presidential Palace. Stop War Demonstration Initiative started a little later.

group of anonymous activists to announce that the person who successfully confront Obama live, will receive a special award. New pair of shoes if you opt for a variant footwear, dozens of eggs from an organic farm in the dairy case of variant (if the confrontation is vegan, vegan alternatives are available.)

On Saturday, May 28 will be the main protest and demonstration. start at. 12:00 on pl. Three Crosses. protest, both in matters related to the visit of Barack Obama - against inclusion of a new fighter base F-16 in Poland, and promoted by President Obama and U.S. corporations shale gas production in Poland, which is a huge threat to ecology in Poland . The demonstration will be a response to government policy and anti-social attack on the rights of workers, tenants, students, patients, the unemployed, immigrants and excluded from society.

ARE pissed off AND WE WILL NOT BE THE MORE intolerable!

Come with whistles, drums and empty pots! The demonstrations will be attended by employees, tenants, unemployed people from Warsaw, Lodz, Wroclaw and other areas.

People who are interested common departure from Wroclaw can sign up on the list at the Center for Reanimation of Culture.


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