Saturday, November 27, 2010

Jyp Sm Yg Entertainment Audition

Lisbon Lisbon - Day One / Lisbon - Day one

Lisbon - 1st day - kniazini refuses to adulthood
Exit Airport coffee for 1.5 euro zone for smokers - it starts well. Kniazini smoke ends and pulls carriage 44. In the city of cork, the people stand on their heads, but kniazini Alex has to sit, and the names of stops are elegantly displayed on a board that is not accidentally lost. Outside, it pours, but today the world falls at her feet. Restauradores - gets out, pulls the address from his pocket, compares with the street and sees that the number 65 is yes - Tabacaria. Well, maybe will not have a place to live, but never too many cigarettes. Enter, and there mirrored doors of a gold door knobs and crooked words "Kitsh Hostel." So they are and cigarettes and the royal bed in the hall of a 10-seater.
greets her lovely young lady, servant-maid as viewed from the place thrown onto the pavement, because the check - in is from 14ej. Intimidated her But the beauty kniazini surrenders without a fight and disappears (without a camera, which will prove beneficial, because in Lisbon deszczyku drown passport, notebook, wallet, and my head) like a ghost. The joy of eating cake on the cardboard tray - in good light will surely look for the silver.

its first observation is as follows - as well as in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwill also find all pierdółkarnie are run by Indians Pakistanis, Bangladeshis - always polite and often handsome - with a smile on my face so overpay for an umbrella (and this is cheaper than Barca, except that in their own birthday kniazini have a collar must be dry) and boldly moves to conquer the narrow, cobbled streets. And just as quickly discovers her mistake Shoes - accustomed to the flat, but the last cold of Barcelona, \u200b\u200btook because only one pair of boots - warm and, yes, but it is high heels. This leads to the river turns right and dignified, though tottering, delves into the narrow streets between the dilapidated plaster, dirty tiles, broken windows, abandoned houses. On the streets shit stench and places. Acquaintance. Waves back memories of Salvador da Bahia - kniazini again is 22, not 26 years old. But it also welcomed Brazil carnival downpour at the entrance to the port - the two weeks after punching a yacht from St. Helena, had to get his ship off the coast of new land for two hours to start something to see at a distance greater than 10 feet and listened to coming from sound bank last parade on the waterfront ... and there is so similar, it's just damn cold and squares No half-naked, glistening with sweat, the young gods, practicing capoeira. In general, something people in these streets no - sometimes heard somewhere przemykających American tourists who are surprised at everything - from a stray dog, which ran the road, along a piece of glass on the sidewalk. They are not sure whether to admire, or turn heads with disgust.

But the duchess Alexander High is in its element syfiarskim - Princess, on śmiecio - throne. And the only, causing slight discomfort is not so much gallons of water, which after half an hour cause that her pants have double color documents in a bag sail, and boots is a puddle, just a fact - the princess is not meticulous, for great is the spirit - that the pavement gets slippery. So begins the Duchess of wondering why a child left her figure skating lessons - because she could no longer reach the Bairro Alto area - whether uphill or downhill, poor slides on all sides and dignified behavior poses kniazini comes to her with great difficulty. What a shame! Legs hurt from the constant tension. But soon Alexander recalls that in absinthe's birthday had to try - so little there to find it a little bit there to get warm and podsuszyć, he begins an odyssey through all shops flaszkami. The streets along the way more and more wavy. Howl Knees "these, Princess, as I leave the brain at home, although Save the tendon." Unfortunately, ignorant Portuguese absinthe everywhere have only one type of - Clear, in the ugly bottle (and yet had to be in a crystal carafe of red cushion), and even though the road is at least a rum Havana Club Anejo (15-year-old). In this situation, the duchess can not agree on the green fairy, devoid of color - must be cut to hold - so when after another, forced sliding of cobblestones, kniazini butt lands in the supermarket, running out of time to think - and already in your shopping cart podzwania cheap whiskey and coca cola plus the olives on a snack - it may not yet scheduled for this day burżujstwo, but after all, although Birthdays may be discontinued kniazini sulfur ...

When four hours after reaching the hostel, our heroine has the impression that consists of jelly. Possibly dipped in cold tea biscuits dead. Therefore, takes shape in a warm, fleece robes and doing your first drink (pardon! was supposed to be "drunk", not "doing" - it is known that on this manor armed). A little warmer. Doing a second drink, adjustable hour on the phone, sets the alarm clock, mute sound, happily sits down to a computer. Third dopija not even drink because watershed her dream. This afternoon is
kniazini an appointment with my friends from the class of high school. Looking forward to this meeting, because they had not seen for over seven years. But when he wakes up in terror states that it is overdue for an hour, as representative of the royal family is not fitting - alarm clock did not call, because the time reset, but not on this page, and on the phone the entire list of missed calls. Dropped from the hostel as soon as possible, on the road thinking, how come after so many years to recognize their padrugi. But here they are - the same girls with whom she did a high school diploma. Asia is already a mother, lives in Portugal with her husband and child, Ada is a correspondent of Polish Radio, in addition to Asia at the wedding she met a Portuguese ... but after five minutes I recall, as it was, the princess Gdynia and Ada for the school caught on the pipe Director of Administration, "Remember, Olek, before even we did not know that there is a woman!" ...

time by its shameful neglect are short, but Alex has the impression that it is withdrawn - no longer even twenty two, and again eighteen years.
But they must come back - and she climbs back in around the hostel. It comes to dinner at a nearby pub - this time only serves pizza - the stomach takes the royal family happily Mediterranean cuisine. He realizes, however, our heroine, that in the morning she drank only two drinks, so poured into ice-cold Coke in myself, and after a while to discover that he can not speak. Dozes over pizza - because zarwana night because an early flight, because of its timing are the most important and best wishes ringing in the middle of the night, because the rink for half a tiring day, because a lot of experience because ... But from that day you will no longer be able to enjoy the privilege concessionary tickets ... so kniazini
returns to the hostel, and falls a swoon, into the arms of Morpheus ...

Lisbon – Day 1 – princess says no to adulthood
On the exit from the air port – cafe for 1,5 euro and a zone for smokers – that is a good start. The princess finishes her cigarette and there she comes – her carriage no. 44. There is a traffic jam and in the bus people are standing on one another but princess Aleksandra has a place to seat and the names of stops are shown on the liquid-crystal unit so that she would not get lost. Behind the windows it’s pouring but today the world is paying it’s respects to the princess. Restauradores – she gets out, takes the card with the address out from the pocket, checks the street and what she sees is – there is number 65 but in the place there is only Tabacaria. Well – maybe the princess will have no place to sleep but there is never too many cigarettes. She enters and there they are – huge doors with golden knobs and a crooked inscription “Kitsh Hostel”. So she has cigarettes as well as a queen’s bed in a room for 10 people. She is received by a charming young lady – real court’s maid – and instantly is being thrown out – the check in starts at 2 p.m. The princess overwhelmed by young lady’s charm and beauty disappears instantly like a ghost (without a photo camera which is going to turn out as salutary because as future events will prove, in the Lisbon rain she will drown passport, notebook and even her own head). Happiness drives her into eating a cake served on a cardboard salver (in the proper light it would seem silver).
Her first observation is as following – as in Barcelona – all the souvenir shops are held by Indians, Pakistanis or Bengalis – always very kind and usually handsome – so she overpays for the umbrella with a smile on her face (still – it’s cheaper than in Barcelona and at least on her own birthday she shall keep her collar dry) – and there she goes for the conquest of narrow, paved streets. And soon enough she discovers her shoe mistake – used to cold but flat Barcelona, she took only one pair of shoes – warm they are but high - heeled. She reaches the shore of the river and turns right – walking with dignity but without certainty – into narrow streets, crushed plaster, dirty tiles, broken windows, empty houses. On the streets there is dirt and stink. And stink is surprisingly familiar. Memories from Slavador da Bahia are coming back in waves – there princess is 22 again instead of 26. The Brazil also greeted her with carnival pouring rain on the entrance to the port – while after two weeks of Atlantic crossing from St. Helena she had to wait for two hours until the visibility becomes a bit better and listen to the fading sounds of last parade on the waterfront… And here everything is so similar – just a bit damn colder and there are no young, half naked and shining with sweat gods practicing capoeira on the squares. There are generally few people on the streets – from time to time she just can hear some American tourists crossing the street and showing their astonishment because of stray dogs or pieces of glass on the pave. They seem not to be sure if they shall be thrilled or disgusted.
But Princess Aleksandra the Tall is in her dirty rage… The princess on her garbage throne. And the only thing that makes her feel a bit uneasy is – no, not the liters of water falling from the sky which cause that after half of hour her trousers are two colored, her documents are drifting in her purse and her shoes resembles swimming pools – no the princess is not pedantic – it’s just the fact that the pave is becoming slippery. So the princess starts to wonder why she decided to give up on figure skating classes – cause now she already is in Bairro Alto – and no matter if she is walking up or down the hill – she slides crazily and keeping the pose of proud princess is becoming almost impossible. What a shame! Legs hurt from tension. But than Aleksandra reminds herself that on her b-day she was to try absinth so – a bit to find it and a bit to dry herself up she starts her odyssey around liquor shops. Streets resemble waves and her knees are screaming – “hey, princess maybe you left your brain at home but at least take care of your sinews!”. Unfortunately Portuguese ignoramuses have only one kind of absinth – white and in an ugly bottle (and it was supposed to be in a crystal carafe served on a red pillow) and expensive like if it was Havana Club Anejo (15 years old) rum. In such situation the princess cannot accept green fairy without color – one cannot forget about the style – so while after next slippery part she lands with her ass on the pavement in front of the supermarket – there is no more time to wonder and she ends up with cheap whiskey, coca cola and olives in her trolley – maybe not the real bourjois planned for that day – but still she at least can ban sulphur.
When after four hours our heroine finally reaches the hostel she feels like if she consisted of jelly or maybe biscuits dipped in cold tea. So she puts on warm clothes and prepares the first drink that day (pardon! – not prepares, she drinks – the drink magically shows up in her hand). It’s becoming warmer. She drinks the second one, changes time in her phone, sets the alarm, turns the sound off and happily sits in front of the computer. She does not finish the third drink cause she falls asleep.
This evening the princess has an appointment with her friends from high school. She is happy for this meeting cause she hasn’t seen them for over seven years. But when she wakes up she notes with horror that she’s an hour late which is so inadequate for the royal family member - but the alarm did not start cause the time was changed in the wrong direction and there is a whole list of not received calls on her phone. She hurries out from the hostel thinking about how the hell she’s going to recognize her friends after all those years but! – there they are – the same girls. Asia is already married and a mother and Ada is a journalist of polish radio working in Portugal and living with a man she met on Asia’s wedding. And after few minutes she reminds herself how she and Ada were caught smoking by the administrative director of their school “and you remember Ola, before that we didn’t even know that such a woman exists!”
Because of the princess negligence they don’t have much time but Aleksandra feels like if the time has moved back and she is not even twenty two now but eighteen.
But girls have to come back – and she is climbing back to the hostel. She goes for the dinner to the nearby restaurant – at this time they serve only pizza – luckily the royal stomach takes Mediterranean cuisine. But then she realizes that since the morning she had only two drinks, so she has ice cold coca cola after which she cannot talk anymore. And she falls asleep over the pizza because of the night without sleep, cause the flight was early in the morning, cause her most important people have great timing and call her in the middle of the night, cause the road was slippery, cause she had so many experiences that day… cause since that day she won’t be able to use the privilege of buying cheaper tickets anymore…
So princess comes back to the hostel and falls straight into the arms of Morpheus...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Blood Lines Tanya Huff Read Online

35/26 World

There will be no pictures, because I packed my cable ... (I'm in Lisbon) It will be just another summary. In August last year happened, much, very much. I visited a little, moved to Bracelony a few months, I allowed myself to feel again to start - maybe made a mistake, but until you can not go back. And can, however, zorbilam step in the right direction ... And so it does not matter, another year goes by, life goes on.
list is widening again. This time, with five countries: Ukraine, Modawie, Romania, Egypt, Portugal.
is the complete list, the order as always accidental:
25.Wielka Brytania
27.St. Lucia
28.St. Vincent & Grenadines

There will be no photo cause I have forgotten to take the cable with me (and I am in Lisbon). There is going to be only next summary. Lots of things happened last year. I visited some places, I moved to Barcelona for couple of months, I did let myself to have feelings again - maybe I made huge mistake but the time cannot be moved back. Still - maybe I made a step in right direction... Who knows... Anyway - it doesn´t matter, another year passes by and life is moving forward.
And the list is growing bigger. This year there are five new countries: Egypt, Ukraine, Romania, Moldova, Portugal.
And here is a full list (in accidental order):
8.Check Republic
22.Republic of South Africa
27.St. Lucia
28.St. Vincent & Grenadines

Sunday, November 21, 2010

How To Enter Shiny Gold Gameshark Cheats Gpsphone

orange / The World in orange

wake up or fall asleep before my eyes an orange rectangle with a white stripe in the middle, black letters and green, orange, or red stamp in the corner. The inscription declares whether someone is or is not available. Muted tones, so at least no longer jumps up nervously at each "plum" because I know it's imaginary. It only jumps when the cable is knocking on the handset, because it resembles the sound of tapping chat on Facebook. Fortunately, Facebook has me oczojebne colors from Skype, so they do not dream of me at night.
I wonder whether this is dependent on the communicator, or the persons I am missing. Jamming music and discomfort of thought with new views of the kilometer not exactly a walk helps - the movie in my head is independent of external stimuli and displays itself. It's not DVD - was not included in the pilot.

I know one thing - when settling in a certain place - which means that I spend somewhere more than a week, say - addiction is worse. No constant movement causes the brain chooses for me to suck. On the way there is no time and the damage money on internet cafes - it's on land. On the water it is much easier - limits data transfer facilitated by SSB, focusing around me - to go beyond his own head and leave the trash, which it owes. On the road or at sea doing rubbish at most in a backpack, which I throw away all the junk every day in search of something "definitely lost" or "may I have stolen."
For many people, being in the way of the pleasure, vacation, rest. For me - the necessity - like vacuuming in a room once in a while. The road is there, not to drown in the dirt, do not perish under the piles of garbage. And sometimes in order to recall the priorities - the eternal lack of knowledge about the need for cognition. About how I know not enough to persuade precisely in the way - so, as recently discovered (ashamed to admit) that Picasso is not enough that not only Cubism, the additive was previously perhaps more interesting, and above all created najbłękitniejszy , the most intense portrait, which I had the opportunity to watch.

Pablo Picasso "The portrait of Senora Soler

But back to cleaning. Wherever" they settle, "is always going to mess with me. I was looking for a place that would allow me to cleanse the brain of the dirt . I did not find it in any of the thirty-four countries I visited. I can not find it comfortable in Portugal. Maybe a place with the greatest activity has taken over my brain was Havana, and I know for sure I want to go back there, but then also in Barcelona I wanted to. Besides zwiedzałam Havana on a dose of adrenaline, it's hard to talk about clean judgment situation. Maybe just my own trash disappeared for a while for gruzowiskiem Havana streets.

the world are the people who clean their brains quickly, wywalając what is needed (painful? Can loftily say fighting their own demons, "though Goya is no longer in fashion.) and preparing them to accept the "new data". Most of us see in them is usually insensitive monsters, modern Frankensteinów, sociopaths. But maybe this will be the man of the future? People have mentioned, as we all live in a society that invented paper shredders, waste incineration, purification of the city - so much that they went a step further and installed the whole contraption in their own heads. Now I do not dream them up at night, orange rectangles, because they removed trash memories and expectations, rectangles disappear together with a click on the "x" in the upper right corner.
And as for the seats - at least that Barcelona has one advantage that the end of November I walk slowly, listening to Prokofiev and undo the jacket to enjoy the warm autumn sun ...

No matter if I am falling asleep or waking up - I see this: the orange rectangle with the white stripe in the middle, black letters and green, orange or red sign in the corner. Letters tell me if someone is or is not available. I turned the sound off so I do not react nervously on the “plum” sound anymore – I realize that is just an illusion. Now I only jump when I hear the cable touching my headphones cause it makes the sound similar to Facebook chat. Luckily Facebook colors are less sharp than those used on Skype so I do not see them whenever I close my eyes.
It makes me wonder if I am addicted to electronical means of communication or the people I miss. Jamming my thoughts with music and blinding myself with new views during my long walks through the city does not really help – the movie in my head is resistant to all external impulses and it plays itself. My head seems not to be DVD – there was no pilot in the set.
But I know one thing – when I settle in one place – and lets say it means staying somewhere for longer than one week – my addictions are becoming stronger. The luck of constant traveling causes the situation when my brain is making a pass at my ass. On the road there is no time or money for internet cafes – at least on land. On the water it is even easier – data transfer limits on SSB always made it less complicated for me to concentrate on the surrounding – which meant leaving my head and the garbage I have inside. On the road or during the voyage I have garbage only in my backpack which I keep on turning upside down everyday in search of something “I surely lost” or “had been stolen from me”.
For lots of people hitting the road is a pleasure, vacation, the way to have the rest. For me it is a necessity – like cleaning my room from time to time. The road is to save me from drowning in dirt, dying in trash. And sometimes to remind me of priorities – like constant luck of knowledge or the need to know. About how little I know I discover mostly on the road – like most recently (I am ashamed to admit) I discovered Pablo Picasso from before cubism – even more interesting. And I saw for the first time the bluest and most intense portrait I’ve ever seen.
But I need to get back to cleaning – wherever I go or settle – my garbage go with me. I have been looking for a place to clear my brain from dirt and have never found it though I’ve visited thirty four countries. And probably I will not be able to find it in Portugal as well. Maybe the one place that took control over my brain’s activity was La Habana and I know for sure that I want to get back there – but so - I desired Barcelona. Moreover I was visiting Havana with such amount of adrenaline in my blood that my vision could easily be blurred. Probably my personal trash was hidden behind the rubble of the streets of Havana.
There are people in this world who have the capability of cleaning their brains very quickly, throwing out what is useless (painful? You can put it in a bit bombastic way saying “they fight their demons” – though Goya seems not to be fashionable anymore) and preparing them to receive “fresh data. Most of us see in them insensitive monsters, modern Frankensteins, sociopaths, but maybe that is a man of the future? Still - people I mentioned live in the same society as us – the one which discovered shredders, garbage incinerators, city cleaning institutions – they’re just one step ahead of us cause they use it also in their heads. And they do not have dreams about orange rectangles cause they already deleted the garbage of memories and expectations and the rectangles disappear with a click on an “X” in the right upper corner.
But when it comes to places – Barcelona has at least the one advantage – in the end of November I still can walk slowly through the streets, listening to Prokofiev and unbutton my coat to feel the warmth of the autumn sun ...

* * if there are mistakes ... sorry ... white wine guys - u understand ... : D

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How Many Calories Does A Publix Sub Have


I did not mean to brand a popular drink for children.

choosing the local cronies, almost contradicting himself with an appeal;

Vote for your friends!
In gratitude to bet you a bench outside the house and everyone will szczęśliwi.Głosując the party, vote for buców who knows what they'll do dick.

Wyborowością demonstrated are also members of the PiS, who went on a trip to JUESEJ.

Talking to a foreign power, disinterested in our plight for help on between us and the Ruthenian, it żenada.

What's more is treason!

suggest Anya Fotyga (otherwise famous for its advanced cretinism) and Macierewicz Quote this message (you) hang on lampposts.

Just like the rest of these idiots who rule us.

Ps.Zdaję realize that for this entry can be jailed, because it is incitement to crime.

I fuck with it!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Black Stools And Red Wine

meine Damen und meine Herren!

So whore! We'll start

stats, that's to warm up.

our country in about 30 percent is financed by the OUR, OWN taxes.
This means that one third of the year working on the state - in practice from 1 January to the end of June.
course, statistically.

complimentary addition to taxes to income taxes are also included in the prices of products - including VAT.

VAT for luxury goods with excise duty on them is about 2-3 times the real value of such goods.

example, a package price of luxury Vicków without excise and VAT from the margin, but the dealer is about 3 gold.

rest of the tax for the state.

So with what, logical reasons for the state itself prohibits smoking in public places?

only logical reason for this here:


The mad rush for ełropom-srełropom copy everything from there how you doing not using the drain.

do not agree to ban palenia.Jestem addict, I like to smoke.

Alcoholics and drug addicts are treated - and the smokers? Penalty seats!

Well, if anyone here can see the sense to let it enlighten me!

"Cigarettes stink"
argumentem.każdy is no one who says, fuck like a ton of shit and I can not tell him to give him a mandate umyć.Albo.
"Smoking causes cancer and other delicacies,"
or not the argument - an electronic smog from your kompa, exhaust your bus or car, you wpierdalasz cabbage - are a thousand times more carcinogenic.

Anyway, the fuck you want to live long? To croak as the old crap? "I prefer to bury me while I'm pretty suckers!

quote! flap flap flap

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ocular Migraine Lasts Days

Unstoppable hunger / Irresistible Hunger

hunger is not about the fact that you do lunch for two days, and then eat dinner at the second portion, do yourself a sandwich, yogurt bites of curry spice and even decide to try the cheese, the taste you know. It's not about that You want to go to the store and buy chocolate for dessert. And not what you think of dishes that you can not eat. And you're not pregnant. The point is that it is cold. And is that something is missing. While you're everything. Well ... almost ... But "almost" is a principle that governs your life.
You can not go for a walk, because you almost tuberculosis (a combination of cigarettes and cold). You do not have to burn it - you feel almost ashamed. I almost care.
In Polish, "almost" is very close to the "right". Tomorrow
simply avoids.

Irresistible Hunger
It is not about the fact that you cook dinner for two days and then you eat the second portion as your supper, next you make yourself a sandwich, you change the taste with yogurt and curry spice and later you decide to try the cheese which taste you know all too well. It is not about the fact that you feel like going to the shop to buy yourself a chocolate for the desert. And not about the fact that you keep on thinking about the dishes you cannot taste. And you are not pregnant. It is about the fact that you are cold. And that you are missing something. Although you have everything. Well.. almost… But ‘almost’ is the rule of your life.
You cannot go for a walk cause you almost have tuberculosis (the combination of cigarettes and cold). You have no Possibility to burn it out - you're almost ashamed. You're almost serious about it.
In polish language the word "almost" is very close to "law."
Just go and have some jogging tomorrow.