I boarded the bus, and there rested on the adjacent seat, two large bags adidas. I looked at it and thought that the neighbor (immediately assumed that it must be a woman) zwieje probably see me - I was already at the end of the trip, two weeks could be seen wandering around my wygniecionych, niedopranych clothes. Fortunately, when we arrived, there seemed to be scared - a young, well-tanned girl, with a storm of curls and a charming smile. Offered me a chewing gum (and after I washed my teeth!) And thus began a conversation.
Ira was eighteen "runaway." She came to Odessa, to spend part of the holiday with a friend, under the tutelage of her mother. However, girls Ira quarreled and rented a room alone. Also had to come back the same bus, because the train tickets were gone. A little afraid of traveling alone, so as it turned out that both have someone who does not see to that the coach drove off when waiting in a queue to the toilet, very happy.
Ukrainians rarely in a hurry - a break in other cities, even lasting forty minutes. Thanks to them I learned that the Ukraine can buy alcohol until after the completion of the twenty-first year of life. Prudent Ira told me about this, however, only half bottle ...
At each stop, Joining a new passengers, at one point ran out of place and some had to stand. Above me stood an extremely powerful man. I knew it was a piston, but at some point the pressure of his big belly on my shoulder has become a bit too big - I started to move in the direction of Ira seat. The guy did not give up, however, and leaning more and more. The farther I ran, the more he bent down - finally adopted a position that it became clear that this was no escape from the piston. Reacted in the only possible way - with his elbow ...
Ira And in the morning turned out to be not only not be angry, but even a guardian angel. She called the parents to say that reunites and said she is late, because he must help the girl is acknowledged in the train. We went to the center. Checked into the hostel at the same market in Lviv. The price was a little shocking. Ira decided that in her city will not sleep in such an expensive place.
've been searching for accommodation according to the addresses of the guide, but it was the first to no avail - no one even remembered that there was once a youth hostel. Fortunately, Ira went to inquire about the address of the agency, which was located next door. Once again, the Ukrainians turned out to be the most hospitable and helpful people I have ever had to deal with.
Ira asked for the address, her boss asked why the agency asked a moment later we sat in his office, sipping tea and feasting on cookies. A ravishing you search through your kajecik for the right contact. After half an hour we left najedzone przyszkolnego boarding and address, maybe a bit away from downtown, but it is cheaper by half - 50 UAH - who was my cheapest accommodation in Ukraine beyond the first, free (but more on that another time). Sam
Lviv hard to describe other than "beautiful" and "the uncovered." At a time when it zwiedzałam, it was hard to get through the center - anywhere repairs and investment.
Ira gave me a little more time. As a student of architecture was the perfect leads me - told me a lot about the history of the city, showed the most interesting places, she the most interesting exhibitions. I hope that someday I'll be able to repay it.
Photos unfortunately are not the best - the weather was gray, rainy, it was getting colder. For some reason, however, did not want his residence in the city cut - the cause was not only the charm of the city - came the issues of personal and extremely interesting drink aptly named Donna Bomba - all Poles know what a "u-boot" - a beer from the sunken at the bottom a glass of vodka, but if you add this to the Coca-Cola - we get a lot more specialty słodki…
I got inside the bus and the first thing I saw were two “adidas” bugs on the seat just next to mine. I looked at them and the first thing I thought was that the owner (somehow I was sure that it was a woman) will run away the first second she sees me – two weeks of the trip were visible on my not ironed and not well washed clothes. Luckily when my neighbor appeared she did not seem to be scared – a young, beautifully tanned girl with curly hair and charming smile. She offered me a chewing gum (though I washed my teeth!) and that’s how the conversation started.
Ira appeared to be eighteen years old “runaway”. She went to Odessa to spend some time with her friend and her mother but after a few days girls had a fight and Ira moved out to the other place. She had to come back alone cause there was no place on the train. She was slightly scared of the lonely travel so the fact that both of us had someone who could watch ife the bus is not leaving while you were waiting for you turn in the toilet was comforting to her.
Ukrainians are rarely in a hurry – brakes in some towns lasted up to forty minutes. Thanks to this fact I realized that in Ukraine you are allowed to buy alcohol after turning 21 – somehow Ira told me that just in the middle of the bottle.
With every stop there were more passengers and there came the moment when some of them had to stand. At some moment I realized that the man standing over me is kind of… huge. The tension between his belly and my arm became too big and I started moving towards Ira. But the guy did not give up – the more I was trying to move myself the more he was leaning. At some point he was in such a position that it became obvious that he was not just escaping the crowd. So I used the only possible solution – my elbow…
And in the morning I realized that Ira was not “anger” but a Guardian Angel. She called her parents to tell them that she was on the place but she would be late cause she had to help a friend met on the train… We went to the center and I checked in the hostel just next the main market in Lviev. The price was slightly shocking. Ira decided that in her city I could not stay in such an expensive place.
We were checking addresses from the guide but the first one was wrong – no one even remembered that there used to be a hostel. But for the next time I found out that Ukrainians are the most friendly nation I have ever dealt with.
Ira asked about the address and the boss of the office asked her why she was asking and the moment later we were sitting in his office drinking tea and eating cookies while the guy was looking through his notebook. Half an hour later we left filled up with food and with the address of the dormitory maybe far from the center but half cheaper – just 50 hryvnias – which was my cheapest place to sleep except for the first one – which was for free (that’s another story).
Lviev itself is hard to describe – only words I could use are – “beautiful” and “under repair”. While I was visiting it was event hard to get through the center.
Ira gave me some more of her time – as the architecture student she was the best city guide possible. She told about the history of the city, showed the most pretty places and most interesting exhibitions. I hope that one day I will have the chance to pay her back…
The pictures unfortunately are not the best – the weather was grey and rainy and it was becoming cold. For some reasons I did not want to shorten my stay in the city – cause it was fabulous and I had some personal reasons and they had there a wonderfull drink – “Donna Bomba”. Everyone knows in Poland "U-boot" - a beer with a drowned inside glass of vodka - but When You add Coca-Cola Becomes it so much Sweeter ...
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