struggle is exacerbated on all fronts. Impunity and arrogance of officials ever reach larger sizes. Intensified mass attack on the rights of workers, tenants, students, patients, the unemployed, immigrants and excluded from society. Implemented are prepared for years for reform. For many years, waiting for the right moment, the ground has been studied, tested just how far government can go, how much could bedevil the dignity and deprive society, how much weight can be reduced to a state bestialisation.
it grew a whole generation of people who never knew a permanent contract of employment, have been deprived of paid leave and sick leave and the available studies. The generation of people who do not know peace in retirement - too low to survive. There is no mercy for the elderly - rents in municipal premises began to exceed the amount of pensions, and the community just waiting to tens of thousands of tenants municipal waste in old age, moved to the cemetery. The aim is to increase profits and profits for the elites are still shrinking, regardless of social costs.
social stratification has never been so great. According to statistics published by the OECD in 2008, the so-called. GINI index, or coefficient of income inequality, the Poles of working age 18-65 years are in first place in terms of pre-tax income inequality among OECD countries, ahead of Portugal, Italy and Hungary! The middle class goes bankrupt, it is no longer able to pay off the mortgage and higher fees for perpetual lease. People living in affluence join the hopeless poor.
Whatever will of the people, the government implements the recommendations of the International Monetary Fund, which dictates the terms of domestic politics in countries around the world. The guidelines for the Polish are such limiting indexation of pensions, "rationalization" of social benefits for sickness and disability allowances (ie, linking them to the amount of premiums paid), "more flexibility" of expenditure on armaments (Probably increased flexibility will enable these expenses), increase the tax burden on the self-employed, extending the income tax on farmers, back to the discussion on reform ASIF, unify VAT on a common, higher level, reduction of family allowances and the reform of property taxes. Health care is becoming more commercialized and less and less available.
Tenants' Rights Violations
One area where government policy meets the most bloody harvest facilities of the policy is to social housing units. In October 2008 the Council introduced a one-time Warsaw increase rents in municipal housing in Warsaw in height from 200 to 300% of the current rate. It is completely unrealistic rate for most tenants living in council housing, and this applies to approximately 100 thousand. premises. Money from the increases were to be spent on repairs, however, have been used for awards for officers and pay increases for city mayor.
In March 2010, the Ministry of Economy tried to carry out amendments to the Law on the Protection of the rights of tenants, with grateful entitled "Promotion entrepreneurship. "amendments were to facilitate the eviction of tenants without giving reasons, to eliminate the obligation to spare the search of premises (eviction of the pavement), more frequent rent increases. Committee to Protect Tenants then launched a campaign through which managed to stop the amendment.
government was unwilling to give long for a win. This year, the Ministry of Infrastructure has prepared a further draft amendment to law on the protection of tenants' rights, which undermines the whole idea of \u200b\u200bcommunal housing, allowing municipalities to match the rent to rent municipal commercial use. The decades of neglect, by which the municipal buildings are in ruins to pay the tenants - they will be charged the full cost of repairs. In addition, the draft law envisages the possibility of discarding the pavement so far protected persons including pregnant women, unemployed young people. No one interested in what happens to them.
Occupants of houses are zreprywatyzowanych illegally harassed by gang
private landlords, cut off their water and electricity. Recently, there is a more drastic ways to get rid of tenants as evidenced by the murder of Jolanta inhabitant of Brest.
Increases in the price of goods and services
Rising rents are not the only ones that strike the workers, pensioners and the unemployed. Over the next three years, Transport Authority, Warsaw intends to raise ticket prices by 100 percent. Single ticket would become more expensive in the three years from 2.80 to 5.60 zł, a 90-day bearer of 360 to 760 zł. Similar increases are planned in other Polish cities.
As if this were not enough, this year prices certain goods of basic needs may rise by up to 50%. The increase in prices will include increased VAT. The largest increases have affected food and fuel. For example, towards the beginning of 2009, coffee has rocketed by 160%, 100% corn, rice, over 70%. The highest increases have affected wheat products, which may become more expensive to 20%. Sugar rose to the highest level in 30 years. Electricity zdrożeje by about 5-7%. Increase the price of textiles. For now, went up by 10%, but the end of the year is expected to increase by up to 20-30%.
Human rights workers
With rising unemployment and increasing desperation of working people, worsen working conditions for those who still are unable to find work. The unemployment rate registered at the end of February amounted to 13.2 percent., Or 2 million 150.2 thousand. people. In annual terms, growth in unemployment was as high as 48.7 thousand. people. Salaries are not sufficient to cover maintenance costs. While prices continue to rise, it does not go hand in hand with the growth in wages. Contributions to the pension fund and the scheme goes into a black hole.
Worse still, the work on job tenure is increasingly replaced by temporary work. Recently, it has mainly affected nurses - and so one of the worst-treated groups of workers. In March, parliament passed an amendment to the Act on treatment, allowing the recruitment of nurses on temporary contracts junk.
In the absence of a permanent job, career or doing temporary work agencies, such as OTTO Workforce, which has systematically robbed workers earned their money through clever system of penalties and deductions obdzierając leather workers for the cost of accommodation, transport to work and depriving them of sickness benefits due to the health of lost work. Classical trade unions, occupied Putting up with employers, they can not and do not want to help temporary workers dispatched to work abroad. For deceived workers who can not afford legal assistance in countries such as Holland, Belgium or France, the last resort are grassroots organizations that support workers such as Polish Syndicalists Association and the International Workers Association, which by direct pressure on employers, co-ordinated at the international level, are able to win the money owed to employees.
Temporary workers are the first victims of job cuts on safety. Provisions for temporary work are designed so that no one knows who is responsible for safety training of workers. Most so one does not train them. 1 December 2009 two workers were killed in an accident at work at the National Stadium in Warsaw. From a height of 18 meters and dropped a basket lifted by a crane, in which there were two workers. National Labour Inspectorate found that the basket was not suitable is to attach the crane. But before the accident PIP boasted that everything is under her supervision and that it constantly monitors the status of compliance. On the construction of the stadium has more than 100 companies subcontractors. Notorious is not paying wages to employees. The system is to ignore safety rules, to earn more. Network of subcontractors is to ensure that the general contractor exempt from liability for workers on site.
Exploitation of workers is extremely strong against migrant workers. To get the job done in Poland, must obtain a visa, which are directly linked to the employment contract. When an employer does not want to pay them for work done, just that their releases, which means that from one day to become illegal and can not assert their rights. In this way they have been deceived workers brought from China to build the tower in Warsaw Wola by TD Development. A similar ordeal experienced workers on construction sites JWC Construction. Workers have contracts and visas for two years. However, after 3 months do not get salaries. Polish companies do not want to sign a contract with them. They tried to protest, were released and considered illegal in Polish.
Education and mind control
Given such far-reaching attacks on the security and prosperity of millions of people, the government considered it essential that such changes in the education system so that no one has learned to think critically about the world around us reality. Conformism and specialization in narrow fields of expertise are the best allies of the power apparatus. Universities are so involved in the process subordinating all social life the logic of profit. In April this year signed an amendment to the Higher Education Act, based on the so-called guidelines. "Bologna Process". The reform of universities is to turn the "business" profitable, the existing educational standards are to be liquidated, and content which subordinated the needs of entrepreneurs. Cost of study will be passed on to students, and scholarships will be replaced by student loans. Young people will be brought up after studying the highly specialized technocrats, vast areas of knowledge to be abandoned, and student loans imposed on their shoulders will be responsible for ensuring the submission and obedience.
public opinion is not something that must be reckoned with. The authorities do not spare the resources to manipulate public opinion to push for lucrative business solutions, both extremely costly and risky for society. This is what happens in the case contrary to the will of a substantial part of the public building program of nuclear energy. We note that the information campaign on the concept of nuclear power in December 2009, published on the website of the Ministry of Economy, the authorities treat the followers of other solutions as "enemies" that must be combated in the information war. The campaign of misinformation on nuclear power, the government has issued many as 6 million. The document stated, inter alia: "it is necessary to undertake actions which, first, eliminate or reduce the impact of the enemies will use to communicate and friends to support the information and push the expected positions."
without paying attention to public opinion, in the 2008, the authorities issued the participation of Polish troops in the interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq, nearly 540 million zł. Total costs incurred in connection with the operation in Iraq estimated at 1.1 billion zł. This is money that could not be used to improve education, health care and social assistance programs.
turning point
're approaching the crucial moment. Here comes a moment in which the public will no longer physically able to bear further costs for the bankrupt economy. Welfare cuts are so great that it runs out of funds for rent, food and medicine. Many thousands of tenants is already leading rent strike, refusing to pay higher rents. The popularity of action, such as "Do not delete" in Wroclaw, have shown potential for concerted action to refuse to pay exorbitant fees for public transportation. The fight carried on a daily basis by staff and tenants, however, is insufficient to bezpardonowego and massive attack on the welfare state's institutions of society.
time to act! Before you are deprived of housing, jobs, health care, education and livelihoods - pozbaw power of those who led to this. Strike, block offices, organize solidarity actions with the deceived employees!
May 27 counter-events related to the meeting of presidents of Central Europe, where participation is also President Barack Obama.
May 28, hours. 12:00, demonstration on pl. Three Crosses
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