These posters got from Claudia Cadelo and Cira Diazaw in Havana. Before Barry departure wrapped them in paper and closed the adhesive tape. I decided that he should not pogniotły and not destroyed, will be best to just take them with you in the arm. However, I forgot one small detail - that, to be exported from Cuba any work, you need a special certificate and permit from the Ministry of Culture. So when they saw at the airport that I hold in my hand something that looks like a roll of pictures, I was told to go to a table where a clerk has opened carefully sealed with pakuneczek. The heart was approached by my throat, but decided głupa pretend I helped her unpack and roll. The lady is a very long fingernails, which did not facilitate its work, so finally she asked, what is inside - I answered truthfully that the posters. "And, please go to the posters do not have permission." I do not remember me in any other situation as much hurry to the toilet ...
Those posters I got from Claudia Cadelo and Ciro Diaz in Havana. Before the flight back to Poland, Kasia Them wrapped in paper and secured with tape. I Decided That is save them from destroying it would be best to transport simply by taking Them Them in the hand. I just had forgotten about one little detail - to take any kind of art from Cuba, the special certificate and agreement of the Ministry of Culture is needed. So when we were at the airport and the staff saw me holding something that looked like rolled painting, they sent me to the counter where a lady clerk started to unpack them. I decided to play the blonde and help her out. Luckily her nails were so long that she gave up at some point and asked what was inside - "posters" I answered. "Oh, so that's fine, you don't need the approval for posters". I can't think of any other moment when I got to the toilet at such a speed...
"Long live the diversity of ideological
" Long live the ideological diversionism "
the 59 - year error "
" 59 - the Year of error "
" I love Minit (Ministry of Home Affairs), "
" I love Ministry if Internal Afairs "
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