Barcelona had to be my escape from the autumn. Escape from drooping leaves, becoming shorter days, the lack of light. Annual escape from depression lasting several months. Escape from a sense that I'm not in the right place and the knowledge that I have no idea where this place is.
We ran, several things happened that led to that thought that he did not want to run away, I thought that something has changed, meaning that I found where it was not to be. But I'm running again.
And like every year, autumn comes by me again. In Barcelona, \u200b\u200bit gets too cold to warm up before going to bed, I went yesterday for a long, brisk walk to Plaza Espanya. The underground passage smelled of limes, on the street cheap marijuana and tobacco. In the end, I sat down to smoke. She came to me at zero shaved young girl in a black shirt and torn skirt, asked for a cigarette. She wished me good night. And the night was good, but come morning, and woke in the cold, empty room.
I love Barcelona - but that often can not recognize what language people speak, which I pass, but that I could dress like lump, or leave and no one was surprised by the fact that so many have it yet to discover. But Barcelona also has its fall and the square in front of the house in which we live or leaves fall, the day begins to shorten.
And I know that if it was from Havana, so I might not marzła, but also przyszłyby hurricanes and rain, because even Havana, a city of my dreams, has its fall. And everywhere there is time to do żeby się zastanowić, co by było gdybym była gdzie indziej.
A może to wcale nie jest ucieczka, tylko poszukiwanie?
Barcelona was meant to be my escape from autumn. Escape from the falling leaves, shorter days, luck of light. Escape from the every year depression that lasts for few months. Escape from the feeling that I am not in the right place and awareness of the fact that I don’t know where that place is.
Before I escaped, there happened something that made me think that I didn’t have to run away any more, made me believe that something has changed and that I found the sense where it was not supposed to be. But I am running away again.
And again – as every year – the autumn catches me. Barcelona is becoming colder. Yesterday I went for a long, fast walk on Plaza Espanya to warm myself up before going to bed. In the underground I could smell limes, on the street – cheap tobacco and marijuana. Finally I also stopped to have a smoke. Some young, bold girl in black blouse and worn-out skirt asked me for a cigarette. She wished me good night. And the night was good but I woke up in the cold, empty room.
I love Barcelona – for the fact that often I cannot recognize the language spoken by people who pass by, for the fact that whatever I wear – some shit or glamour - no one cares, for the fact that I have so much to discover in this city. But Barcelona also has it’s autumn and on the square in front of the house we live in, leaves fall down and Also the day is becoming Shorter.
And I know That if it was Havana I would not be so cold but still - the hurricanes and rains would cause even come Eventually Havana - the city of my dreams - has it's autumn. And everywhere there is a moment to think of what would happen if I were Elsewhere.
Or maybe it's not an escape but a search?
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