Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Male Models In Diapers And Plastic Pants
So type that!
After my return from the Polish C, a few thoughts to my head is usually empty, began to knock.
Well, they, as usual chaotic as possible.
During the journey, the necessary seems to be the środki.Wszystko All right, if the distance from point A to point G is niewielka.Gorzej but if you must travel more than the average projection of beretem.Co should then be done? Well, I was used to travel with PKP.Choć then this might not help the best description "of this."
Despite repeated questions, comparisons, and requests to be checked - no, I repeat NOTHING, the arrival of the train to the destination station is not nohow to rozkładu.Co more nice ladies in the information and knowledge as much as I do, because the use of the portal pasażera.No lack TEST words.
Lord over the counter is a separate category - once almost sent me over the Oder by Berlin.Tym time, however, a nice lady deigned to sell us a ticket, which allowed the ride of thirteen (!) Station less than docelowa.Padaka.
Not counting the countless transfers trip took us seven and a half godziny.Przebyliśmy at that time a staggering distance of 200 km.Co gives the average travel speed of the order of 26 km / h.Królik moves faster.
However, as the monopoly of the railway should not have too much choice when it comes to such travel, and prawka nobody in their right mind I can not ... Closing the case Pierdolących
Every passenger carriers, dive into the further thoughts, like a gypsy in the shit.
So with gratitude and taste.
reading during the journey a little lengthy newspaper, I stumbled upon the adventures of Mr. Joseph Tarasiewicza.Pan went out from his home in Galicia, and was in Ustrzyki Upper (or Lower there, fuck with it). Moreover, in the meantime he lost his memory. Locating the identity of this family and it took about half an roku.Dlaczegóż it? Well Wife and the daughter of that, did not report his disappearance to policję.Przez half a year had decided that as he was offended (before the disappearance) he should first be odezwać.Chuj the fact that he could no longer live, the most important is offended pride about two pizd.Niech assess this story.
What could cause such a breakdown of social bonds in the lowest cell of society (read: family)? Telewizję.Jestem I bet I am not averse to it today and it is precisely because of its secret power wciągania.Między serials absorbed fascination with someone imaginary "Real life", we forget about their own.
who does not believe, let zmierzy.Oto little experiment, which is prepared for you, my dear głuptasy.
will need us, ready to
family dinner
During obiadku, the guerrilla will start your telewizor.Niech some fucked serial, cokolwiek.Ucichną conversation, and every member and every pussy in sight stares telepudło.Róbcie so every day by several years, and then you will see that you live under one roof with strangers ludźmi.Fajnie not?
uwaga.Jeżeli And finally you have a blog where you share your thoughts , Then I beg you whore.
want to write about things important and intelligent? That it somehow argumentami.Inteligentnymi.Niestety Show your support there is among such intellectual mediocrity.
Do not even try to argue with smarter than yourself - go out on durnia.Durniu.
Draj! Learn
Fir! Sometimes
uniesiesz.A think it is! charades are cool, especially if someone is too stupid to solve them.
Mad Fish.
Ps. Coming
today by bus, our driver (the bus) and drove up the road forced the priority radiowóz.Mili unmarked men with mustache cock and joined a long time opierdolili autobusiarza.Jak badge will entitle to stand above the law?
JP at 25% because the dygam terribly.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Paintball Guns Tac 5 Service
Mery chrysmas Gumby!
Holidays today are no longer distant future, but almost spełnionym.Wszyscy nightmare as one man after markietach zapierdalają district and the shops (I will add it as a curiosity in Swahili is not a shop determine a housing estate - as the shops, or settlements in Uganda does not exist). Our mothers, wives and mistresses as stupid zapieprzają in the kitchen preparing a delicious Christmas dishes to be prepared, because it makes tradycja.Chuj that no one has them, so zobowiązuje.Mamy tradition on Christmas Eve and then the whole table is set chujstwem that we must "but try" because my mother / wife / grandmother and opierdoli thread of the tydzień.Jednakże fuckin joke that's just the proverbial small pikuś.Najgorszy is Hordy.Zapowiadany invasion for weeks, but always comes too early ... powdered old aunt must smother with kisses and wytargać hair, uncles asking whether a lady caught in the eye, while the old grandfather zbol or no boobs fajne.Pewnie, that cool when I kiego cycem niewyjściowym.Kiedy lady with barbarians already sit at the table, starts wpierdylanie.Rytuał described above - so I will not powtarzał.Zanim starts great eats away, divide the previously zajebanym the rectory (so I'm doing: P ) opłatkiem.I what do you wish from my aunt who is talking here only about her herpes zoster? Or what his grandfather, and so did not hear?
Returning to the chronological order of time comes I have nothing against prezentów.Nie czapkom and szalikom, but the two boxes is no longer bends. Once
gardłodziurki obżarci after we fall to sleep, nothing coming from the gas bill the other day with him World. aqua vitae Pópulo Poloniae - vodka! suddenly reminded of someone who 40 years earlier zajebał favorite chocolate, which is a fool's grandfather and grandmother lafirynda.Ze amazement concealed alcoholic haze listen as Uncle policeman windows patting, and aunt, weighing one billion tons of mini popierdalała, arousing lust sex scandal uglier and trash.
incredulity our annual zadyma ends when the relative of the more krewkiego pan receives a blow between the eyes for calling his beloved mother kaszalotem.Nie your fault That prompted the association to the same ...
second day of Christmas sit and drink coffee for a hangover and a promise that never again organize the Christmas for "those debili", although you know very well that you cheat yourself.
All resemblance to living persons and real events intended.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Blood Protein And Mucus In Wee
April 1989.
crowded tram, in the warm spring dzień.Młoda mother holds the hands of fellow two-year chłopca.Wśród whole social mosaic mother near the end PRL.Siedzący menel talks to politely
-Oh, What a nice kid! you to my uncle? "Give Uncle a kiss! Despite
horror on the face of his mother the boy eagerly Menel kisses on the cheek. Ot
story like many others, nothing interesting.
Summer 2001
The same boy, a bit older but is waiting at the door when sklepem.Po monopoly, sees the face of complacent buddy has sold
-Let 's go!
After a while unscrewing the wine in a nearby forest, and how are young people get drunk to unconsciousness.
September 2008
Punk concert, music napierdalamy, people get hurt (dance). Rear known in some circles knajpy.Dwóch young men unscrews the bottle and drink to dna.Porozumiewawcze look and bottles of wine make wine, splash against the wall.
December 2009
-herring, you go for jabola?
-No whore, what a question ...
whore And I say that this is the fault of this Menel then, not mine!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
How To Play Mount And Blade Online For Free
Hello, zero-backs today, I have not written a long time ... and probably has something to do with what there just describe, finally summoned up the courage to tell someone that if they did not support would probably not be coming to me here .. . no is good ... but from the beginning ...
Some two weeks ago, I woke up around 7 am, indifferent, I'm not wanted, I had no strength to stand up, reach for a glass of water, I did not have the strength to turn kompa, I thought I was just sleepy, that drink coffee and just go ... I asked with great difficulty (yes, I had no strength even to speak, every word was a pain), his beloved to do me a coffee.
wypuciu After this infusion, I was lying, I thought begins to work, that it will pass ... but the state has not disappeared, nay, I had a feeling that intensified with every second ...
next day was even worse ... even lie I did not want, I felt that I fall from power, the execution of the smallest actions were a torment ... I felt like uletuje of me life ... I became concerned that my family is not called the house not odpisywałem to text messages ... I had no power ... just do not have the strength ...
I finally let myself be persuaded to go to the doctor, thought it was pointless because these konowały klepną only twice, write you a prescription for syrup and so, but no, the doctor zmaszczył eyebrows, came on the x-ray, has connected me to something, just like in the movies, crap, charts, monitors, only the probe in the ass was missing, the results had to wait a week ...
Waiting was the worst ... every phone caused anxiety in me, I did not want to know, I feared the worst ... because after talking with his family, it turned out that these symptoms occurred in me since birth ... even when it has not yet been me in the world, the doctors advised my parents that may arise some health complications were not mistaken ...
days went by, I slept, I lay, sat ... the state does not worsen, everything seemed to be fine, but in my mind only one thought ... the result ... I felt like before the execution, as before the supreme court ... and I knew that I lose.
Finally the day came, I told myself that I have to accept even najgroszą message with dignity, yet the world is full of people at a disadvantage, I'm not the only person with an incurable disease ... I can not give up ...
I will not bore you, yet you have your problems, write short, I was diagnosed with ZLC syndrome, a rare, incurable, but you can live with that.
Probably most of you do not know what it ZLC ...
fucking lazy man: D
Hans! : D
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Best Victoiras Secret Bra For Small Chest
How boomerang back in my mind, and sleep does not give a thing. Case
social WOGL controversial and cool. Namely
- Disability.
Disability has two varieties - not as you think mental and physical performance, Oh No! Namely
- culpable for the disabled, as well as the guilty is not.
And what to do about?
Well, in my, how humble opinion:
If we are poor, which, say, jebnął lightning, or another dick - współczuć.Pomagać, make life easier, etc.
But if we have the guy that lost his legs, he slept on tracks - harass.
Examples of harassment:
"Jump to shop , But on one leg! "
" nah, go with the shoe pociśniem. "
" buy you shoes? "
" sell my shoes? "And so no longer use"
"Are you going on your bike? Or play in your leg? "
In the case of let's say you, what caught the high-voltage wire / she put her hands to snopowiązałki, for example, could in this way:
" Can I ask you to marry me? "
" See how nice ring "
" Did you see my new gloves? "
" You want to play the cello? "
etc. The question is - what is the purpose of harassment, fucking psychopato?
Every year, there are plenty of action in style - how to jump into the water then you can break the backbone of how fast you're going umarnąć.I what? I Fuck!
So they see that they are a burden may start to think about?
And so I doubt, but you can try, and will laugh at niemiara, I assure you:)
And yet so as far as the topic.
If disability is the fault of the parents? Take the workshop
fetal alcohol syndrome
(for unfamiliar with the topic - C5% 82odowy_Zesp% C3% B3% C5% 82_Alkoholowy)
Children are innocent - so we give them peace of mind.
parents are guilty, but I do not see them.
court proposes to order the old ladies daily kick in the snout until the kids or old, turns up.
ps. It is winter and the White ... Finally, because even me, kitajce wkurwiały ...
Monday, November 2, 2009
Manual For Scorpion 169cc
So how booze with Hansim quite successful, and even stealing the internet again - time cosik writ. Well
kabarecik and flies!
electrified me the news that the Administration dear, send us a message. Where we
szarakom to administrators, so musim to adapt, and how!
So what is written for us?
So here is our blog is a controversial and as such we should be determined, otherwise will be removed. Without
so without undue body we make this step as soon as we learn how to do it.
think that Hans has already done so, and I do not know, but I'm atechniczy and did not know how (dałn, dałn pockets full of sunshine, lalalalala)
Apart from the introduction (in the sense that already I will not write about it), let's get to issues.
The fact that the estate in Poland is the crisis we now know wszyscy.Co pężki therefore less and less, so
Economy falls, prices rise, people markotnieją.
Alas sir, alas.
therefore took up a job where they pay me almost, and I almost worked.
but leave that alone.
case of the first social validity.
For reasons unknown to me, people in our country are becoming less polite.
really stupid to me to give way to an older lady in ałtobusie or trawmaju, because the exposure to to look foolish youth.
Maybe I am no longer young, but they made me hate the whore. Worse
more often happens to me to be praised for such conduct by other geriatric fellow.
Mom, told me to tell you that you can be proud of me!
Until a shame that you threw me out of the house because you przysporzyłbym bunch of pride.
I finish this humorous touch, this absurd comment. The shipbuilding
pożegnianiem - Fuck!
herring (fucking)
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wedding Rsvp Fun Wording
Today the flood ryło Śledziowym, that's what, and what's more to write.
not hurt anything to us, because we're young! : D
Hansidło cruel
Monday, October 26, 2009
Waffle Batter How Long Does It Last
szczaua Buce!
Dawnom did not write anything so I nazbierało, but do not know if I would want to write anything. Ad rem
first major, the most emotional.
duel of the century, Endrju vs Adamek, emotions, beer, women, testosterone, beer, wine, etc.
I deeply unsatisfied, because the coach broke dick fight ...
Sadness, grief, sadness, (
second thing, ergo - the music once again.
Wiadomka that there is no metal ball (just ask your grandmother, meeen), although some zastrzeżenie.Pewien element from the darker (literally) star (This is a pentagram idiot!)
At a concert in front of them shake with fear, hiding in corners and bullfinch you fly from his nose in a pile of majty.
most andergrandowi andergrandowcy andergrandu ... So
types who wear makeup and ' la panda tears, and outfit a la Mr Mietek monopola.Ino from the black.
Also, so not quite that zapierdala from them as from a dead squirrel, they look like scarecrows (no urażając these useful creatures), but also are so tru that Satan himself laps under a blanket.
treats you so and pierdolniecie 100000000000 andergrandowy reasons why metal is better than "komerchy" or that their music is better than anything else.
By nature, I listen to "komerchy" because attention whore! I like. And fuck, I do not need to be ubertru and wali.Jednakże me when I hear the tru metal, recorded on old dachshund through the wall and the vaseline jar, where everything is so dark, that hair-raising to put it mildly - fuck me shoot.
Where is the beauty of the composition and skills in jazgocie, the sound of a mother definitely opens the door and threatens the lack of dessert (yes, for being a tru to pay a terrible price ...), and the cat fuck out, fearing for their lives? Well
Tarama attention whore! NIGDZIE.Ta muse simply collapses in the States, and beyond a handful of "connoisseurs" without hearing and some of which are gówniarzy spring because he is rebellious, no one can hear it any more than the entry wokalu.Które incidentally, is somewhere, but do not know where (parrarararara) "
But let's leave the evil and dark pimpled brushes and move on to more pleasant things.
kidding. Another
which binds to the phenomenon at that a denial of faith in God.
Everything's cool I do not command anyone to believe, but a whore prepare better arguments than what anyone tells you stoned cultist.
quick overview of arguments for God nieisnienie
"prove that there is"
"if there is why is so much evil in the world"
"church is all washed up"
etc, in this climate, up to clench his fist. However, the dark
metal on the fly, so for such a flip is the only option to get wet.
Few people know that the metal crashing down with each, are flying at all, and can even be such a zajebać opierdoli even as you jerk.
But whatever.
Since I am tired, that's it.
: *
ps: Anal, Oral, Sado-Maso
plum plum
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Difference In Diabetic Shoes
Welcome to a czereśniaki. We
today 17 October, and what does it mean? That as soon Independence Day, actually not so far "Soon be" just right smiles yet, but I just now came together to do something about it to write.
Firstly primo, what is this independence from which so glad and rejoice and generally holla-ho? According to the only true thing called Wikipedia is a "state of the formal independence of the effects of other political entities," and what does it mean? This means that if you decide to shoot without warning to listonoszów \\ postmen, then fuck you care about the rest of the world, it is our right and behind. The same is true of other goodies, such as the inviolability of borders, as our own currency, etc. What you ask striving, striving for the whores, Jewropejskiej Union, Euro-enthusiasts can not comprehend, morons zajaranych "community", all ciszących August that now they are "Europeans", whore your mother, you were always Europeans, since I always say, someone got the idea to Europe to name this piece of ground, just as the Japanese are Asian, do not have to unite with China and other communist shit funny to then speak to are Asian. Here is what is your complex cymbal, sprzedalibyście mother if only someone would you promised "than listen to you Needless to say you're united and cool. "Banda zajebanych percussion caps. Most of you are peasants zajarane something alien, something new, fuck that, instead of making money you will have 1300 zł 200 €, but this is not the EURO? something new?" Are you better than a peasant whore from Kazakhstan because they do not have the euro, and yet the euro has the same name is fucking cool ... sorry for the whore-pizdu.
summary, if you're celebrating Independence Day euroentuzjastą, nail five, denying himself , celebrates niepodlegośc supporting its absence, whore , Start to think you idiot.
If you're someone like me, srasz to this band of idiots and thieves, November 11, Hoist the white and red flag, to the glory and the memory of ancestors, but do not forget about a black mourning ribbon.
Skontemplowany Hans.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Creatine And Heart Enlargement
MonaVie is a pioneer in the field of wellness. The company was founded more than three years ago, this autumn will also be available in Poland. Its product gained immense popularity in the U.S. and other countries where the company provides its product.
Mona-Vie is perfectly matched for the nutritional blend of 19 fruit juice processed in a unique and patented method developed by a team of scientists, doctors and nutritionists led by Dr. Ralph Carson, the institute's "Monarch Health Science
MonaVie has brilliant marketing plan, which allows a very short time to enrich its distributors, this is a real breakthrough in the field of network marketing. And all thanks to a small berry acai , which thanks to its excellent properties, attracting customers like hot cakes.
looking for distributors in Poland for the distribution of juice Monavie Acai Berry already in September 2009!
Join MonaVie
Trunks English Doujinshi
Acai is a Brazilian berry straight from the Amazon River basin. It is considered one of the most healthy foods. The acai berry is rich in antioxidants, amino acids, Omega, and protein. Benefits include increased use of more energy, better management of cholesterol, improve the digestive system, strengthening the immune system and many others.
Acai - Scientific (Eutrepe Olereacea / Brazilian Palm Berry).
"Brazilian gold mine" of which do not cease to speak the media.
Concentrated dose of energy, acai fruit is a miracle nutrient.
And the taste? Like wild berries with a hint of chocolate.
This daily dose of vitality!
Acai Berry is a wonderful berry, which has everything you need vitamins B1, B2, B3, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium, Proteins, good fatty acids such as Omega 6, Omega 9.
ACAI This is a healthy energy that will help your mind and rejuvenate your body.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Titleist Ap2 2010 Irons
zakupiłyśmy just one way ticket, which is not true to the moon but to Kuala Lumpur and from there to Denpasar on Bali. The ticket cost us 700 zł (with charges for luggage):) Fortunately, there is Air Asia walchamdulillahi ....:) Our adventure begins on September 22 so ...
Monday, June 8, 2009
Plus Size Clothing Store In Walden Galleria Mall
Our adventure began to travel a long time ago, and for three years, we combine business with pleasure, exploring the knowledge of other cultures in their natural environment. Our course of study meant that fascinated us the new parts of the world such as Asia and Africa. Over the past few years we have visited many distant places such as Indonesia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Morocco, Turkey, Greece, and Bulgaria. Our dream, however, still visit the length and breadth of Asia. In the period September 2009 - April 2010 will be held a long journey through the continent. Our starting point is Indonesia, which last year was enchanted us with its monuments and the diversity of cultures. We would like to visit the island, which previously we were unable to reach. We also want to visit Thailand and from there get into Cambodia to see the fabled Angkor Wat. Then we would like to visit Malaysia and Singapore.
Unfortunately, dreams cost ... Despite our small requirements for travel comfort and standard of accommodation, the cost of flights between countries and local transport which would enable us to penetration from place to place than our budget. Still we are not students. Therefore, we ask the companies that would be interested in funding for our project in exchange for advertising on the official website of the travel promotion companies abroad, with the company logo images, articles and reports from travel, etc. The terms of such sponsorship is of course to be determined. Companies are interested, please contact us at @ We are happy to answer any questions.
useful every penny. Thank you in advance for help. Help us fulfill our dreams.